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3 Smart Ways to Make Money Online

November 21st, 2019 at 11:06 am

Everyone wants to make more money online, but very few people actually ever figure it out. They think they can

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make money blogging, or by day trading, or even by taking user surveys.

The truth is, however, that very few people successfully earn a living wage on the internet. Over the past several years, I've made money by blogging, and have done quite well for myself...

So, with that in mind, here are three tips I wish I knew when I first started trying to earn cash online.

1. Leverage Your Email List
When it comes to
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making money online, having a big email list is a key. Just having a few hundred well-targeted people on your email list can be the difference between feast and famine.

Of course, experienced internet marketers often have over 10,000 or even 100,000 people on their email lists. The more, the better - but what's key is that they're well targeted, because otherwise you won't be able to market anything to them!

2. Learn SEO
I first got started blogging five years ago, and boy have I learned a LOT about SEO. Short for "Search Engine Optimization,"
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SEO is basically how you get your articles in front of people. Without good SEO, nobody will ever find your blog in the first place.

Some simple ways you can improve your SEO is use relevant images, create helpful content, build strong, authoritative backlinks, and create a strong social media profile.

Just spending an hour or two each week on improving your website's SEO can drastically increase the income you're making online... and best of all, it's free traffic!

3. Target Your Niche
Most people just think they'll be able to start blogging, and will instantly start making money online. Okay, maybe not THAT fast, but they think it will happen a lot faster than it actually will most of the time.

The truth is that if you want to earn a living with a blog, you NEED to focus on a specific niche... and no, I'm not talking about something like "health and fitness." I mean you need to laser-focus into a
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SPECIFIC niche, like "weight loss for pregnant women," or "anabolics for college gym rats" or something like that.

The more niche, the better! When you niche down your business to a specific customer, it allows you to serve their specific needs. It's better to be a master of one trade, than the jack of all.